Web design and development

It is important to have a visually appealing website that represents your brand or your business model as well as being functional and accessible. People are attracted to sites that are eye-catching, interesting and that hold their attention. The attention span can be incredibly short when browsing online and a user can be lost in a matter of seconds.

As one of the most effective communication tools ever invented, your web presence is key to the customer and stakeholder perceptions of your organisation. More than that, it is a great opportunity to interact, whether through an e-commerce shop or an intranet information store for your staff, or integrating your back-office systems. We also produce campaign specific landing pages or microsites aimed at driving sales, capturing prospect data or promoting some other kind of action.Visit our partners,shoes leaders in fashionable footwear!

Landing pages are new pages that are designed and added to your website. These contain information that is specific to the campaign and are designed accordingly. A microsite is a small stand-alone website that is separate from your main website. The objective of the microsite is to immerse the visitor in the world of the offer without the distraction of any other content. Web analytics and reporting can be invaluable as it helps to build a picture and can tell you exactly what your customers like and don’t like about your offer.

We deliver effective and creative bespoke website designs and applications. All of our sites comply with the highest industry standards and offer content management. It is important that your site is responsive and can be viewed on all fixed and mobile devices, allowing us the opportunity to prioritise your content.

Other key services we offer at Blaze: