Clients often come to us to ask how they can get the most from their direct mail campaigns so we’ve compiled our 6 steps to direct mail for you.

1 Effective Data
Data is paramount to a successful direct mail campaign. It doesn’t matter how effectively the letter was written or how cleverly designed your envelope is – if it never reaches the intended recipient it’s a waste of marketing budget.

2 Careful Timing
Think carefully about how you react to incoming direct mail – do you find that first thing on a Monday morning all you want to do is have a coffee and look at the week ahead? Then your recipient is likely to feel pretty similar! Also, consider the content, is it time-specific?

3 Clear Messaging
So this is your five seconds in front of your intended recipient – use it to your best advantage. You need to grab their attention and encourage them to react in a particular way, this of course varies upon the message communicated and the action desired.

4 Think outside the envelope
Can you remember the last piece of direct mail that really made you sit up, or even better do you still have a something received in the post sitting on your desk? Direct mail doesn’t have to be a uniform letter in a DL envelope – be creative and stand out from the crowd.

5 Postage method
The postal delivery market is ever expanding with new players appearing all the time. Frustratingly, the best mailing solution for one campaign may not be the best solution for all your campaigns. Use your mailing house’s expertise and ask them to explore the different options for you.

6 Tracking and testing
So your mailing has gone out and you’re snowed under with new business enquiries – how can you be confident that this performance can be replicated? Tracking and testing is the key, whether you test different creatives, landing dates or even data segments, it’s important that results are monitored and acted upon.

We’d love to hear about effective direct mail you’ve received – what’s the best piece you’ve seen lately?

Want to learn more about how a direct marketing campaign could benefit your business?
Let’s get together and explore the potential.

Contact us on +44 (0)20 8360 8244